
About the Delftsche Dodgers:

What is Dodgeball?

Dodgeball is a sport originally created in Africa more than 200 years ago. While many have experienced basic variations in primary or secondary school, they are frequently unaware it is actually a full-fledged sport with an official set of rules run by worldwide organizations called the World Dodgeball Federation (WDBF) and the World Dodgeball Association (WDA). In its official form, it has two primary variations: foam dodgeball and cloth dodgeball. Although slight rule variations exist between the two, both versions share the same core principles. Two teams face off on a court approximately the size of a volleyball court. The goal is to knock the opposing team out by throwing balls that hit their players or catching the opponents' thrown balls. The first team to knock the other out wins!

Who are the Delftsche Dodgers?

The Delftsche Dodgers traces its roots back to Fall 2019 when current President Frank Broy started a group of dodgeball enthusiasts who played casual matches amongst themselves. This grew in popularity and with help from the sports center at TU Delft called "X", an official ticket hour was created in Fall 2021 where every week, students could sign up to play dodgeball with Frank as the host. Eventually, a group of regular attendees decided they wanted to take it even further and in Spring 2023, the Delftsche Dodgers was officially founded with the goals of seriously training skills and techniques, participating in the Dutch national league, and helping to popularize the sport and allow more people to partake and enjoy it as much as they do.

Meet the current board:

Frank Broy (President)

Frank is currently completing a Cybersecurity master's program at TU Delft. He is primarily responsible for external affairs and relations in addition to coaching most of the training sessions. Originally from Luxembourg, he enjoys bouldering, video games, and attending rock and metal concerts.

Dylan Bravo (Vice President)

Dylan is completing a Master's in Transportation, Infrastructure, and Logistics at TU Delft. He is primarily responsible for internal club affairs and happenings whilst also filling in as a coach for the training sessions when needed. A citizen of the Netherlands, Canada, and the United States, Dylan enjoys playing board games, running 10Ks, and traveling the world.

Niklas Perujo (Treasurer)

Niklas is completing an Aerospace Engineering master's at TU Delft. He is primarily responsible for all financial affairs for the association. German and American, he enjoys listening to music, attending festivals, and spending time with family.

Susanne Epema (Secretary)

Susanne is completing a Geomatics master's at TU Delft. She is primarily responsible for documentation and organization of the association's records and files. Fully Dutch, she enjoys playing football, painting, and reading in her spare time.